
Ett år sedan

Jag var med min familj i Klosters Dorf i Schweiz för snart ett år sedan för att åka skidor. Det var världens minsta by, den bestod ungefär en järnvägsstation, några hotell och en skiduthyrningsbutik - inte ens någon form av närlivs eller mataffär fanns det.

About a year ago, my family and I went to Klosters Dorf in Switzerland for skiing. We lived in this tiny village that basically consisted of a railway station, a couple of hotels and a ski rental boutique - there weren't even any stores to buy food in.

4 kommentarer:

  1. these photographs are stunning! :) i love train station photos for some reason. this town looks so lovely and quiet and quaint, the snow makes it look so scenic! also, thank you so much for your comment. <3 it made me smile and feel better about my photographs hehe. i've read the truth about forever and it's really good! i haven't read jellicoe road though but i've read marchetta's other books. :) both are absolute wonderful. happy reading, love! xxx

  2. Min lust att resa avtog ju inte i och med de här bilderna... <3

  3. These are amazing photos, I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a small town as I have always lived in the city...I've only moved once in my whole life! And I only moved three streets in fact

  4. Vad fint att måla fönsterkarmar! Bra grej om man saknar fina sådana. Kan man kanske måla sig en himmelsäng också om man hemskt mycket önskar sig en sådan?
