
19/5 Hemmavid

Matchande skor i hallen och våran snyggt dekorerade magnetiska vägg ovanför spisen. Cecilia har en underbar randing velourtröja (tysk second hand, åh vi älskar't) och vår balkong har av någon anledning en rosa rand målad i ena hörnet.

PS. Orkiden ser fin ut på bilden, men nu, tio dagar senare är den döende... Damn!

Matching shoes in the hallway and our carefully decorated magnetic board in the kitchen. Cecilia has got a lovely velour sweater (oh, how we adooore German second hand shopping) och our balcony has, for some reason, a pink streak painted in a corner.

PS. The orchid does look rather good in this picture, doesn't it? Sadly, that is not the case today, ten days later...


11/5 (del 1) K-berg

Vi kartlägger staden, gata för gata.

Får jag presentera; Yorckstraße - Kottbusser Tor, samt upp och ned längs Oranienstraße.

Vi gillar följande: Bateau Ivre, Modern Graphics och den lilla garmbutiken där bredvid.

Vi var där den här veckan också. Hur lustigt är det inte att redan andra gången du går på en gata är det som att den gatan är lite mer din än förut?

Cecilia and I are mapping out the city by foot. Allow me to present to you: Yorckstraße - Kottbusser Tor, and the whole stretch of Oranienstraße. Three things we dearly love on this street: Bateau Ivre (for food, drinks and friendliness), Modern Graphics and the tiny yarn store next door.

We went there this week as well. It's sort of funny that the second time you visit a place it almost feels as if it belongs to you.



Med inspiration från Malin målade jag mina naglar i cirkusfärger. Jag har ett par nyinförskaffade rosa shorts med hög midja och rosa knappar som passar alldeles utmärkt att matcha med naglarna också. Hittills har jag inte fått mer än ett butiksbiträde att börja skratta vid synen av mina naglar. (Men obs, det var ett glädjeskratt. Tror jag.) De sista händerna är Cecilias. Jepp.

I was inspired by Malin and painted my nails in circus colours. And my new pink, high waisted shorts with pink buttons matches my nails perfectly as well. So far, I've only made one shopkeeper start to laugh at the sight of my nails. (But that was a kind and joyful laugh. At least, I think so.) The last hands belong to Cecilia.


På besök

Jag hade så himla fint besök i Berlin i helgen.

I had such a lovely visit this weekend.



Photographs from one of our first days here, when we were walking around town (as we do most days, truth to be told - it's that and mundane things like studying and househould chores that fill our days). These are mostly from Mitte, though some of them are taken in our neighbourhood (Schöneberg), if I remember it correctly. I just love the window sill lined with old books. That is from a street nearby where we live.

The picture of the postal carriage on the wall was gone when I returned by chance yesterday, two weeks later. It's a good thing I took a photo the first time.

And we are well and having a good time. The days pass by fast (that is, way too fast). We've had lots of visitors as well. Now, I think, might be the time to actually start studying some German... All I want to do is lie in parks, reading books and eating ice creams.